Wednesday, February 27, 2008

draft 2, test

A time when I lost something valuable , but gained a valuable lesson in return
‘‘ Mum, I’m off to school!’’ screamed at the top of my lungs. After taking my breakfast, I left home. I was using my phone while walking towards the bus stop, messaging my friends using the latest model of mobile phone I bought last Friday. When I looked up , I saw several pairs of eyes looking at my phone. I recalled the month before when my cousin was robbed by a thief while walking and chatting with her friends on the phone.
I did not care about what is around me and continued to message my friends. I got so afddicted to my phone that I forgot to get off the bus, and was late for school. The teachers contradict me and asked me to go for detention for an hour .
On my way to recess, I took out my phone and had a glance at my screen every two minutes and check if I had any messages. After school, I took out my phone and started showing off to my friends about the new phone I owned. They glared at the phone with envy. Some friends even asked me to lend them my phone, so I did. I continued doing these for a week and one day , to my horror, I could not get a sign of where my phone was.
The terror took over me, I started to get nervous and worried. My teeth biting against my lower lips, I started to ask everyone if they had seen my phone. My heart beat as fast as a machine, my head are like splitting into two, and I keep asking myself, where is the phone! The school bell rang, it is time to go home, i took a deep breathe, and continued to search for my phone, ‘‘where is it?’’ the question kept coming back, the teacher told me to go home, as she said the school’s closing early today, what luck! I went home in despair, and when my mum asked where is my phone, I cried, telling my mum what had happened, she slapped my face so hard , as if my face were to tear !
From that day, I learnt to take good care of my things and not show off .

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Confession Of A Achluophobic

'' Mom, switch on the lights ! '' i begged my mom desperately . My teeth grinding against one another, pulling my blanket towards my face, my legs were trembling with terror. i had not had a moment of peace sleeping in the dark . My face turned white, thinking about the last time i had slept in the dark, it was so quiet, there was complete silence . I felt that there's something around , not just me. It was a week when we just moved into the house, i finally had a room by my own. But i'm regretting now. It didnt feel good being alone, the darkness and the painful silience horrid me. At times , my mother will dim the lights little by little, she said thats the way i can help myself.