Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Summary, 13-14april 2010

Reality television, dominating the tube right now is about the real behaviors of the people in real environments. They show people getting embarrassed or disappointed. Reality shows are scripted and obviously staged. Reality shows is profitable as these shows are cheap to produce. This erases the boundaries between public and private. Despite sitcoms and dramas that have growing ability to wrap up every dilemma, reality shows can still genuinely surprise. Producers of the shows latch onto ideas that grab us in some fundamental place. if they keep showing programmes like this, they're going to be the network that humiliates people. producers will be forced to add more bells and whistles and gimmicks, until they eventually go completely over the top, turning off both viewers and advertisers. Anyone whom deliberately eavesdropped on a conversation in a train or been to a party and poked into the host's medicine cabinet will relate to these shows (145Words)

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